Tuesday, January 5, 2016

[Lyrics: PINYIN & ENG Trans.] 平凡之路 (Ping Fan Zhi Lu / The Ordinary Road) by 朴树 (Pu Shu)

Cover Singer: Kong Chuinan & Huang Lige
Song language: Mandarin
They sang this song in Nobody Knows But Me Premiere

徘徊着的    在路上的
pái huái zhe de  zài lù shàng de
Those who wander around on the road

你要走吗 via via
nǐ yào zǒu ma via via
Are you leaving now? via via

易碎的   骄傲着
yì suì de   jiāo ào zhe
Being fragile and proud

nà yě céng shì wǒ de mú yàng
That is how I once was.

沸腾着的    不安着的
fèi téng zhe de  bù ān zhe de
Those who are passionate and upset

你要去哪 via via
nǐ yào qù nǎ via via
Where are you leaving for? via via

谜一样的  沉默着的
mí yí yàng de  chén mò zhe de
Like a mystery, and so silent

故事  你真的   在听吗
gù shì  nǐ zhēn de zài tīng ma
Are you really listening to the story?

曾经 跨过 山和大海  穿过 人山 人海
wǒ céng jīng kuà guò shān hé dà hǎi yě chuān guò rén shān rén hǎi
I’ve crossed untold mountains and oceans, as well as through huge crowds

我曾经拥有着一切  转眼都飘散如烟
wǒ céng jīng yōng yǒu zhe yī qiè zhuǎn yǎn dōu piāo sàn rú yān
Once, I had everything; but soon, it was all gone

我曾经 失落 失望 失掉 所有方向
wǒ céng jīng shī luò shī wàng shī diào suǒ yǒu fāng xiàng
Once, I was frustrated, desperate and even lost all my direction

zhí dào kàn jiàn píng fán cái shì wéi yī de dá àn
Only to find the only answer is on the ordinary road.

当你仍然  还在幻想
dāng nǐ réng rán  hái zài huàn xiǎng
While you are still wondering

你的明天 via via
nǐ de míng tiān via via
That your future via via

她会好吗 还是更烂
tā huì hǎo ma hái shì gèng làn
Will it better or get worse?

duì wǒ ér yán shì lìng yì tiān
Another day for me has passed.

我曾经毁了我的一切 只想永远地离开
wǒ céng jīng huǐ le wǒ de yī qiè zhǐ xiǎng yǒng yuǎn de lí kāi
I once ruined everything so I just had to disappear forever.

我曾经堕入无边黑暗 想挣扎无法自拔
wǒ céng jīng duò rù wú biān hēi àn  xiǎng zhēng zhá  wú fǎ zì bá
I fell into the endless darkness, failing to help myself.

wǒ céng jīng xiàng nǐ xiàng tā xiàng nà yě cǎo yě huā
I used to be the one like you, like him, like wild flowers

绝望着 渴望着 哭着笑着平凡着
jué wàng zhe kě wàng zhe kū zhe xiào zhe píng fán zhe
Full of despair and longing, crying, smiling and being ordinary

向前走 就这么走 就算你被给过什么
xiàng qián zǒu jiù zhè me zǒu jiù suàn nǐ bèi gěi guò shén me
Go ahead, exactly in this way, no matter what you’ve suffered

向前走 就这么走 就算你被夺走什么
xiàng qián zǒu jiù zhè me zǒu jiù suàn nǐ bèi duó zǒu shén me
Go ahead, exactly in this way, no matter what has been taken away from you.

向前走 就这么走 就算你会错过什么
xiàng qián zǒu jiù zhè me zǒu jiù suàn nǐ huì cuò guò shén me
Go ahead, exactly in this way, though you will miss something

向前走 就这么走 就算你会
xiàng qián zǒu jiù zhè me zǒu jiù suàn nǐ huì
Go ahead, exactly in this way, no matter what you ...

Back to: (*), (**)

我曾经问遍整个世界 从来没得到答案
Wo ceng jing wèn biàn zhěng gè shì jiè  cóng lái méi dé dào dá àn
I asked the whole world, but never got the answer.

wǒ bù guò xiàng nǐ xiàng tā xiàng nà yě cǎo yě huā
I used to be the one like you, like him, like wild flowers

冥冥中这是我 唯一要走的路啊
míng míng zhōng zhè shì wǒ wéi yī yào zǒu de lù a
The one way I want to go is doomed.

时间无言 如此这般
shí jiān  wú yán rú cǐ zhè bān
As time flies, just like that

míng tiān yǐ zài  yǎn qián
Tomorrow is just around the corner

风吹过的 路依然远
fēng chuī guò de lù yī rán yuǎn
With the breeze blowing, there is a long way to go.

nǐ de gù shì jiǎng dào le nǎ
Your story,  how is it going?

Mandarin and English trans:

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