Sunday, May 8, 2016

[Lyrics: PINYIN & ENG Trans.] 海若有因 (Hai Ruo You Yin / If Hai be With Yin) by Xu Weizhou & Huang Jingyu

Composed by: Xu Weizhou
Song Language: Mandarin
OST: Addicted (aka Heroin) Web Series
上瘾网络剧 Opening song

Xu Weizhou ()
Huang Jingyu ()

() 一排车轮轧过的人行道
Yī pái chēlún yàguò de rénxíngdào
There was a bicycle rolling down the sidewalk

zhù liú zài biànlì diàn de jiējiǎo
And stopped at the convenience store by the corner of the street.

() 黑板上龙飞凤舞的笔迹
hēibǎn shàng lóngfēi fèngwǔ de bǐjī
The bold, cursive handwriting on the blackboard.

chī liàn bān de wéixiào
The soft smile of lovesickness.

() 阳光下 操场上 你在奔跑
yángguāng xià cāochǎng shàng nǐ zài bēnpǎo
Under the sun, on the sports ground, you were sprinting

() 冰淇淋 糖葫芦 甜的味道
bīngqílín tánghúlu tián de wèidào
Ice-cream, Candied fruit, the taste of sweetness.

() 海浪里的喧嚣誓言
hǎilàng lǐ de xuānxiāo shìyán
The hustling promises of the waves,

ruò bùjí nà yīgè yǒngbào
could not be compared to that embrace.

() 有没有曾孤独坚守
yǒu méiyǒu céng gūdú jiānshǒu
Was there ever a time when you held fast by yourself.

yīnwèi nǐ de tiānhuāngdìlǎo
Because you've endured too much.

repeat (*)

() 肩并肩的失志不渝
jiān bìngjiān de shī zhì bù yú
Unwaveringly remaining by your side,

shǒu wǎn shǒu de tiānyáhǎijiǎo
Holding hands untils we reach world's end.

() 忘却那些流言蜚语
wàngquè nàxiē liúyán fēiyǔ
Forget those fleeting gossips,

wǒ yào hé nǐ báitóuxiélǎo
I want to spend my life with you, growing old together.

() 我要和你白头偕老
wǒ yào hé nǐ báitóuxiélǎo
I want to spend my life with you, growing old together.

() 我要和你白头偕老
wǒ yào hé nǐ báitóuxiélǎo
I want to spend my life with you, growing old together.



  1. Thank you for the lyric, the translation, and everything. <3

  2. Wanna cry everytime hear this song even before i knew the lyric idk why.

  3. Nice song...i like this song...really like....someday i want to meet Bai Lou Yin and Gu Hai......🤗🤗🤗
